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Creating and Printing Reports with Shimadzu Lab Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating and Printing Reports with Shimadzu Lab Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Today, we're going to explore the process of creating and printing reports using the Shimadzu Lab Solutions software. This guide will help you navigate the software and make the most of its reporting capabilities. Let's get started!


Step 1: Accessing the Post Run Menu

Our journey begins in the main menu of the Shimadzu Lab Solutions software.

  1. Click on 'Post Run' in the main menu.
  2. In the 'Post Run' menu, you'll see 'Post Run' and 'Browser'. Choose 'Post Run' for this task.

Step 2: Navigating the Post Run Menu

Once you're in the 'Post Run' menu, you'll see several tabs that will help you manage your data.

  1. The 'Data' tab is for your data, the 'Methods' tab is for your methods, the 'Reports' tab is for your reports, and the 'All' tab is for everything.
  2. If you want to print your data, you can copy and paste any of these items onto Excel. But if you want a more formal report, you'll want to go into 'Reports'.

Step 3: Selecting a Report Template

In the 'Reports' tab, you can select a template for your report.

  1. Click on the 'Report' tab and select a template. Shimadzu provides a variety of templates for different types of reports.
  2. To select a template, simply drag and drop it into the 'Report' tab.
  3. If you want to create a custom report, you can use the icons in the 'Report' tab to add different elements to your report.

Step 4: Customizing Your Report

Now it's time to customize your report.

  1. Click on the 'New' button to create a new report.
  2. Select the elements you want to add to your report. For example, you might want to add a calibration curve.
  3. Adjust the size of the elements to make them easier to see.
  4. You can also add more data to your report by clicking on each element and going into 'Table'. There are additional values here that you can add to your report.

Step 5: Printing Your Report

Finally, it's time to print your report.

  1. Click on 'Preview' to see what your report will look like.
  2. If you're happy with your report, you can print it directly from the software by going to 'File' and then 'Print'.
  3. You can also save your report as a PDF by going to 'File' and then 'PDF Output'.

And that's it! You've successfully created and printed a report using the Shimadzu Lab Solutions software. Remember, the more you explore and learn about the software, the more effectively you can use it. Happy reporting!

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